Elderpark Housing Association tenants will be asked to share their thoughts on the housing service in the coming weeks.
The feedback received during the Tenant Satisfaction Survey will help drive further improvements in how we deliver our services. We are committed to providing a high-quality service to our tenants. To help improve our service, we regularly consult and involve tenants in the decisions which affect your home, your tenancy and the community you live in. We look forward to getting tenants’ thoughts on how our services should continue to evolve to meet their needs.
As part of our commitment to consultation and improvement, we have appointed Research Resource to carry out the Tenant Satisfaction Survey on our behalf. The survey is being conducted on a face-to-face basis and a researcher from Research Resource will visit you to ask you to give your views. This will be performed via a short interview lasting no more than 15 minutes. If they do not manage to contact you on the doorstep, they may get in touch by phone.
The survey will cover several important issues relating to tenant’s home, the service we provide and their local neighbourhood. Information gathered from the survey will help to improve our services and gather important feedback about tenants’ satisfaction with various services, which we report on to the Scottish Housing Regulator.
Interviews will take place from mid-March through April. Visits will be made Monday to Friday (10am to 7.30pm), Saturday (11am to 6pm), and Sunday (12pm to 5pm).
If you have any questions, have any specific needs for interview or would like further information, please contact Research Resource on 0141 641 6410 or info@researchresource.co.uk .
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