Elderpark Housing works closely with a range of partners across all aspects of our service. We are firmly of the view that working with others can provide much greater results than working independently and we look continually for opportunities to develop partnerships which can support and develop the communities in which we operate.
Within the local area we work with the other local housing associations, for example, Govan Housing Association, Linthouse Housing Association and Southside Housing Association to share ideas and discuss opportunities.
We work closely with Glasgow City Council on areas to do with maintaining and improving your homes, participating in developing local strategy and attaining funding for new homes. We have close links with all the local Councillors and elected members within the area.
We also work with a range of community and local groups all with the aim of enhancing the Central Govan area including participating in the Central Govan Action Plan (CGAP), Govan Ferry Stakeholders, Money Matters, Jobs & Business Glasgow and Aberlour.
At a national level we work closely with the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA), Glasgow West of Scotland Forum (GWOSF), Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and other bodies which can assist us in developing the organisation.
These are just a small selection of the partners we work with and wherever possible it is our aim to engage anyone who can provide benefits to Elderpark Housing and our communities.
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