The Association is responsible for looking after common areas within tenements and new build estates. However your neighbourhood is maintained by a range of different government agencies.
Below is more information on who provides what services and how you can contact them.
Your Bin Collection Dates
Access Glasgow City Council’s website for the date of your next refuse collection. Collection dates are represented by colour coding depending on the bin. Please select the topmost link in the “More Information” section to the right of this page to access this information.
Please report the following incidents to Glasgow City Council on 0141 2879700
- Missed bin collection
- Illegal fly posting
- A broken street light
- Graffiti
- Pot holes
- Illegal dumping of waste
- Dog fouling
Alternatively you can download MyGlasgow App which enables you to report issues by attaching photos or videos. Links for Apple and Android devices are available to the right of this page.
Useful Numbers
Crimestoppers Police Scotland Cleansing/Environmental Smell Gas? Call Transco on Scottish Power/Emergency Gas, Central Heating, Radiator Repairs Street Lighting/Road Faults Stair Lighting Elderpark Repairs Service Emergency Repairs (after 5pm & weekends) |
0800 555 111 101 or (999 Emergencies only) 0141 287 9700 0800 111 999 0845 272 7999 0333 202 0708 0800 373 635 0141 440 2244 0141 440 2244 0141 440 2244 |
Need some more help?