Elderpark Housing is regulated by a range of bodies to ensure that we are meeting legal standards, delivering high quality services and meeting the needs of our tenants and service users. The Scottish Housing Regulator is the lead Regulator for Housing Associations however others also include OSCR and the Financial Conduct Authority.
Registered Social Landlords (RSL’s) are required to submit various pieces of information relating to our performance and financial management annually which ensures that we are operating effectively and meeting all obligations.
Elderpark Housing strives to deliver the best possible performance, meet our legal and regulatory obligations, ensure value for money and meet the needs of all our tenants and residents
How we achieve this is monitored through regulation which assesses and reviews the information we are required to provide to various organisations including the Scottish Housing Regulator, Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator and the Financial Conduct Authority.
Primarily Housing Associations are regulated by the Scottish Housing Regulator who’s statutory purpose is to “safeguard and promote the interests of current and future tenants of social landlords, people who are or may become homeless, and people who use housing services provided by registered social landlords (RSLs) and local authorities”.
On an annual basis we are required to submit an annual return on the Scottish Social Housing Charter, a copy of our annual accounts, five year projected financial statements and various other pieces of information to the Scottish Housing Regulator. They review this information and produce the associations Engagement Plan
Other regulation involves providing annual returns to OSCR and the Financial Conduct Authority to meet our statutory obligations.
For tenants and residents the regulatory framework and role of the Scottish Housing Regulator allows you to report any ‘Significant Performance Failures’, review all the information the Regulator holds on Elderpark and compare our performance against other housing associations.
It is a positive that Elderpark Housing along with all other Registered Social Landlords (RSL’s) are subject to regulation as this assures our tenants and residents that they are receiving services of a high standard.
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