Owners/Factoring charges
This section includes everything our Owners and Private Landlords need to know about how and when to pay factoring charges, and also what to do if you are struggling to pay.
After entering into an agreement with Elderpark Housing, you should have received a payment swipecard containing a unique identification number. The card itself has no value and can not be used to make payments to any other organisations or to get details of your account. This card should be used to support any payments you make as it automatically identifies your account.
There are multiple other ways of paying too- you can also pay online by clicking the link below. Access our page “Billing Process” for our invoice schedule and to learn more about payment methods.
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Billing process
The Association will send owners a bill on a quarterly basis for costs incurred for providing a…
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Factoring arrears
Elderpark Housing collects Factoring Fees in order to provide a service to owners to maintain the…
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