What is Anti-social behaviour?
Incidents of anti-social behaviour can have a devastating effect on peoples’ lives and in some cases can force people to leave their home. Elderpark HA treats such behaviours very seriously because it is contrary to our core values of creating a neighbourhood people want and enjoy living in.
The tenancy agreement, under the Clause Respect for Others, states that tenants, household members and visitors do not “harass or act in an antisocial manner to, or pursue a course of anti-social conduct against, any person in the neighbourhood.”
The Scottish housing regulatory measures how effective we are at enforcing this part of the tenancy agreement. They want social landlords to work ‘in partnership with other agencies, help & ensure as far as reasonably possible that tenants and other customers live in well-maintained neighbourhoods where they feel safe’.
What you can expect from us…
Response times vary depending on the nature and seriousness of the complaint:
- Acknowledge complaint by letter or telephone – One working day
- Investigate and decide on action to be taken – Two-Ten working days
- Close complaint by writing to both the complainant and perpetrator confirming action taken – Timescale varies
What we need you to do…
We need you to report anti-social incidents to the Police, telephone 101 or Community Safety Glasgow and to complete the nuisance monitoring sheet. This way we may be able to corroborate your complaint without you having to go to court. Please access Community Safety Glasgow’s website for more information.
Outcomes from complaints
This can include:
- Advice/Warning Letter
- Breach of Tenancy Letter
- Serve notice of proceedings on the tenant
- Mediation
- Interdict
- Specific Implement
- Acceptable Behaviour Contract (ABC)
- Short Scottish Secure Tenancy Agreement (SSST)
- Eviction.
What if it is an owner and not a tenant?
Owners have responsibility to act in a reasonable manner too. We are aware that with the increasing number of private lets in our area some people don’t act in a responsible manner. Any property that is owned and causing nuisance through anti-social behaviour can be directly referred to Community Safety Glasgow.
Partnership working
Elderpark Housing initiated the Elderpark Anti-social forum, soon to be renamed Positive Outcomes for Govan. The remit is to tackle the effects of youth disorder by identify those responsible and by taking appropriate action through diversionary activities or enforcement measures.
Those who attend include Police Scotland; Glasgow Community Safety; local Councillors, Community Planning Department, Education Department, Social Work Department and various Youth Providers such as Aberlour and Govan Youth Information Project, and occasionally Barnardos Street Cones and Rangers Charity Foundation.
A sub group of youth providers has since been set up to co-ordinate youth services in the Govan area and liaise on the provision of activities. For more information contact Jim Fraser at the Main Office on 0141 4402244.
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