Money to Make a Difference
A HUGE £200,000 cash boost will help fight the coronavirus in Govan.
The Scottish Government has provided the massive funding as part of its nationwide effort to help communities deal with the crisis.
Now the money will be put to work helping people at grass roots level with particular emphasis on the vulnerable and isolated.
Linthouse, Govan and Elderpark Housing Associations along with Govan Thriving Places and supported by local councillors from the Govan ward successfully secured the funding from the Scottish Government’s £30 million emergency funding to help communities.
The partners in what is called Govan’s “Covid-19 Funding Temporary Emergency Funding Group” was quickly set up to apply for the money. The Group will now set about working out how the funding should be spent
The elected members are: Councillor Richard Bell, Ballie John Kane, Councillor Allan Young and Councillor Stephen Dornan.
The three housing associations are already hard at work supporting their communities with an unprecedented level of engagement. Shopping is being delivered, prescriptions collected and free hot meals prepared and distributed.
The health emergency has galvanised many volunteers who are generously providing a helping hand in the community such as the charity Aberlour.
The Group has pledged to keep local people informed of how the money is helping through a variety of means such as social media, publicity on partner organisations websites and wider publicity in the mainstream media with a firm emphasis on transparency.
Organisations working hard to help the Govan community fight coronavirus have now received a total of £100,000. For more information on how this money is being spent go to our news section for the full story
If you are an organisation helping our community now is the time to seek financial help. You can do this by completing this simple application form. Application Form for Funding
Please be as accurate and specific as possible in your application. The more we know the easier it is for us to assess if we can help.
Further guidance on the application process can be found here Guidance Notes
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