Right to Repair Scheme

The Right to Repair Scheme enables you to have certain essential repairs called ‘qualifying repairs’ completed within a maximum timescale

If it is a qualifying repair and our contractor fails to start the repair by the target date provided, you may instruct an alternative contractor to carry out the repair instead. You will also be entitled to a compensation payment from Elderpark Housing Association. We will tell you when you report a repair if it is a ‘qualifying repair’ under the Right to Repair

Priority Timescales for repairs

Priority One – Emergency repairs – Within four hours

Emergency repairs are repairs that have an immediate consequence for your protection, safety and security. If circumstances are abnormal or the repair is complicated, it will be made safe until the long-term repair can be organised.

Priority Two – Urgent Repairs – Within two working days

Urgent repairs are those repairs which, whilst they do not have a consequence for your protection, safety and security still need doing quickly.

Priority Three – Routine Repairs – Within seven working days

Routine repairs are repairs mainly to the fixtures and fittings.

Priority Four

Routine Common repairs 10 days

Priority Five

Other major repairs 30 days

  • Disability Confident Employer
  • Awards